오늘은 잠깐 일하는 동료의 히스토리를 들을 기회가 있었는데요

회사를 몇군데 다녔더라구요. 근데 얘기하다가 got fired.. no it was liad off 이러는 거에요

머리로는 해석이 되는데.. 응? 뭐가 다르지? 라고 생각하게 되는 기회였어요.

단순하게 생각해보자면,

Get fired는 회사에 피해를 입히거나 능력에 지대한 문제가 있는 등의 employee 책임 때문에 발생하는 해고,

Lay off는 회사 조직을 정리하거나 규모 축소, 폐업 등 employer 쪽 책임 위주로 발생하는 해고에요.

구글 서칭을 해보니 아티클로 이런 글을 볼 수 있는데 이게 아마 더 정확한 이야기겠지요?

When an Employee Is Fired

An employee can be fired for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most common reason for being terminated for cause is the unsatisfactory performance on the job. Workers might also be fired for misconduct, not complying with company standards, taking too much time off, damaging company property, embarrassing the organization publicly, or otherwise failing to adhere to the terms of his employment contract.

When an employee is fired, there is no expectation of being rehired at a future date. This type of termination is not temporary and is related to the employee’s performance or behavior, not to the company’s financial situation.

When an Employee Is Laid Off

When an employee is laid off, it typically has nothing to do with the employee's personal performance.

Layoffs occur when a company undergoes restructuring or downsizing or goes out of business. In some cases, a layoff may be temporary, and the employee is rehired when the economy improves.

In some cases, laid-off employees may be entitled to severance pay or other employee benefits provided by their employer. Generally, when employees are laid off, they’re entitled to unemployment benefits.

출처: https://www.thebalance.com/difference-between-getting-fired-and-getting-laid-off-2060743

혹시 잘못된 내용이나 오류가 있으면 댓글로 알려주세요. 

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